Medical News Today

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Monday, December 17, 2012

NutYy winter

Peanuts provide many health benefits. It contains outstanding nutrients including unique phytochemicals. Regular consumption of peanuts can protect body from many dangerous diseases including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Peanuts are a great source of anti-oxidants and healthy monounsaturated fats. Peanuts also contain high levels of protein. They also contain many other health promoting vitamins, mineral and phytonutrients. Overall, peanuts are a wonderful health food and regular consumption of peanuts can give body a real boost. Peanuts are one of the most nutrient rich food and they provide several important health benefits. Read on to know more about health benefits of peanut
Peanuts are extremely popular all over the world and especially in America.  Peanuts or groundnuts belong to legume family and probably first cultivated in the valleys of Peru. In the 19th century peanuts became very popular in the U.S. Today, leading commercial producers of peanuts are India, China, United States, Nigeria and Indoneia.

Peanuts Nutritional Value and Health Benefits:

Peanuts are excellent source of monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats help to lower blood cholesterol levels. Peanuts are also rich in resveratrol; which is also helpful in reducing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, peanuts are also very good source of niacin, folate, copper, manganese, and protein. Peanuts are good source of tryptophan as well.

Peanuts are known for the rich content of antioxidant. They also contain significant amounts of protein. Studies have shown that nutrients found in peanuts especially resveratrol, folic acid, phytosterols and phytic acid may have anti cancer effects.

Because of the fact that peanuts are rich in niacin they are good for preventing Alzheimer's disease. 
Vitamin B3 or niacin (nicotinic acid) is a wonderful vitamin for the brain health. Niacin is effective to protect Alzheimer's disease and age-related cognitive decline. In addition, niacin also improves the memory power.

 All the major nutrients in peanuts including vitamin E, niacin, folate, protein, manganese and monounsaturated fats are very heart healthy. Resveratrol is also very good to lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Peanuts contain antioxidant properties that reduce cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases. But it is important to consume peanuts or any other nuts in moderation to get the cardiovascular benefits. Beta-sitosterol, the most abundant sterol in peanuts, helps to give protection against heart disease.

 In addition, research also showed that regular intake of nuts, peanuts or peanut butter lower risk of developing gallstones.

Studies have found that peanuts are very helpful nuts to prevent colon cancer. Phytochemicals in peanuts including phytosterols, phytic acid and resveratrol play important roles in the protection of colon cancer. Eating peanuts twice a week can reduce the chances of developing colon cancer significantly.

 Peanuts are a great food to lower diabetes. According to American Medical Association, eating nuts substantially lowers the likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes. Peanuts provide good amount of niacin, which is known for reducing the risk of developing type 1 diabetes. In addition, peanuts are a very good source of manganese. 
Manganese is very much associated with diabetes. It can control the blood sugar level and a vital mineral in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

Another health benefit of peanuts is it controls the weight gain. A study showed that eating peanuts two times per week reduces the chances of weight gain.

Peanuts can be a good food during pregnancy for their folic acid content. But eating peanuts can cause allergy and allergic reaction to the infant. So, if you are pregnant please consult your doctor before consuming peanuts.

Major Health Benefits of Peanuts – The Specific Points:

  • Heart Health
  • Anti-Cancer
  • Brain Health including Alzheimer's
  • Diabetes
  • Weight Control

Just like other nuts, peanuts also provide exceptional health benefits. Peanuts are one of the healthiest of nuts. If you like peanut butter then go for the organic one as many peanuts butters that are available in the market contain hydrogenated or trans fats. To get all the health benefits of peanuts, do eat peanuts with the skins because peanuts skins contain a lot of health promoting nutrients.s.