Medical News Today

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Precious Relation

Grand Parents I thing a beautiful  gift of God but i don't know why the few parents can't freely allow their children's to get free with grand parents!  As we also see that old houses all full of  the old innocent peoples.We also listen such stories that deeply hart our feelings.My religion ISLAM have given a big responsibility to children's to care their old aged parents and talk them with soft voice. I really love with my grand parents more then my parents.i have seen such mothers  who don't allow their child to their fraternal grand parents and this is so envious act.Grand parents are parents who are Grand.They have great concern for their grand children.Becoming a grand parent is itself is a blessing and having a grand parent to care and guide is a double blessing.Grandparent is a joy to family with their special kind of love and attitude.
They are a part of the extended family and they are considered to be the head of the house. Their decisions are final in family matters. The grandparents take the role of a parent when parents are not willing or not able to provide adequately for their children. Those grandchildren brought up by their grandparents are usually obedient, mature and responsible.
For all the things they have done for us, it is our duty to take care of them and respect them as before. Show your love and make this world a better place for them.Because the old is gold.
                                                     I LOVE YOU MY SWEET GRANDPARENTS
May ALLAH give long healthy and prosperous,happy life to all of our sweet grandparents.